Boosting Super

Preparing for retirement usually means maximising your retirement savings.  With tailored contribution options for most pre-retirement clients, On Point Wealth can navigate through many variables to help you maximise your retirement savings.

Super Investments

With time being a crucial factor, investment options within your Super fund will impact significantly on your capacity to realise your retirement goals. Your funds could be at risk or you may not be achieving the required returns on investment.  At On Point Wealth, we work with you to tailor an investment profile based on your goals and objectives, giving you confidence that your Super is on track for retirement.

Transition to Retirement (Over 55s)
Depending on your date of birth, you may be eligible to commence a Transition to Retirement strategy. This could be an opportunity to slow down, work less hours and think about your preferred retirement lifestyle. There are many variables to consider, such as your super balance, income, work status, health, age etc. On Point Wealth can help build the right strategy to reach your retirement objectives.